Just a few days ago I purchased this brand new 2018 Harley-Davidson Fat Bob as a second bike for day trips to enjoy the beautiful countryside in Prince Edward Island. Normally I ride a big touring bike, a 2011 Harley-Davidson Ultra Limited, which is great for long trips with luggage and a passenger, but not the best choice for having fun on curvy rural roads. The new bike does this very, very well and it’s a blast to ride. On the weekend, we had some decent weather so I went on a ride to the historic port of North Rustico, PEI. A few hours of riding in rural roads to get there and back – time well spent.

At the port, I met this guy and his wife who were walking three dogs, each one missing a leg. I asked him, “Are these rescue dogs?”. He said, “Yes, rescued from Korea where they would be used as meat.” I told him, “that’s really good you are doing this for these animals. How did you find out about this?”. He told me he lived in Korea for a while and brought them to Canada and the brown dog lost a leg in a trap. It’s really awful to think these great dogs would have otherwise been killed for someone’s dinner. I said he’s doing a wonderful thing and we each went on to enjoy the day, as did the dogs.
All the shots were taken with a Panasonic LX-100 – a small and capable camera that fits nicely in my jacket pocket.