One of the challenges having just a week to explore the east coast is I am always racing against time. On some days you have to forgo taking a lot of photos and concentrate on riding to get to the next destination. So, this was a day of travel, not sightseeing. Before arriving in Moncton, I traveled some 500 kms, a nice leisurely ride without any stress, I could have gone further, but darkness posed a threat.
Normally I don’t mind riding at night, but this time around I had to be cautious and stick to daytime travel, otherwise I ran the risk of hitting a moose or deer after sundown. All along the Trans-Canada Highway, there are numerous signs warning travelers of a heightened moose threat after dark. Collision with a 700 kg bull moose is not really my thing as I don’t want to destroy a perfectly good Harley-Davidson.
The scenery from Quebec to New Brunswick is quite nice and it’s a shame there are not many safe vantage points along the highway to take photos. One has to pull off on the shoulder which does not produce a decent or safe setting for good compositions. However, I have a GoPro and decided to take some video footage along the way. This 4 minute clip covers a good amount of my journey from Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac to the New Brunswick border. Naturally, the video is not real-time and has time lapsed sections.
I arrived in Moncton just before sunset and luckily my motel was close to many of Moncton’s best restaurants. I treated myself to a seafood dinner at Catch 22 Lobster Bar.

The following day was set aside for sightseeing on the Bay of Fundy, famous for the world’s highest tides. Plenty of photos were taken.