The final leg of a motorcycle road trip is always a bittersweet event. On one hand, I can take satisfaction in over 1600 kms travelled safely through some of the most incredible scenery on Earth and then come to grips that it will soon be over.
The day before ended with a very nice lobster dinner and scenic stay at St. Anne’s motel in Baddeck and this day was a great one too. I had already covered most of the Cabot Trail the day before and since this was my fourth time here, I decided to go off the trail and check out Lake Ainslie which is Cape Breton’s largest freshwater lake. The Southwest Margaree River starts at the lake and empties into the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. The lake is approximately 20 km long and averages 5 km in width. Not only is it a beautiful site, it was a great place to relax and have a cigar break. It is not an area often visited by tourists, so it was quite serene and peaceful without a soul in sight.

The day’s travels ended in Auld’s Cove on Cape Porcupine which is near the southern point of Cape Breton Island. I stayed at the Cove Motel and Restaurant, where I enjoyed a nice sunset and a satisfying supper. The following day, I left Nova Scotia and returned home to Prince Edward Island.
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#cabottrail #capebreton #capebretonisland #novascotia #lakeainslie #auldscove