Day two on the Cabot Trail took me on a journey from Margaree Harbour to Baddeck. It seemed this day could be a bit dodgy on the road as it was raining when I woke up. Fortunately, after breakfast, the rain abated giving way to light showers and foggy conditions. For good measure I put on a rainsuit and took my time riding and taking photos. By mid-afternoon the weather took a turn for the better: sunny with clear skies, dry and warm. Perfect riding conditions that rewarded me with some amazing scenery.
Everything was going well until I needed to find St. Anne’s Motel in Baddeck. I skipped lunch so I could spend the day riding and a powerful hunger was developing with a craving for lobster. So, I entered the motel’s address in the motorcycle’s GPS and headed towards Baddeck. Along the way, I spotted a restaurant called the Lobster Galley and wondered how far it was from St. Anne’s Motel. About 20 kms later, the GPS said I had arrived at my destination, except there was NO motel. I double checked the address I punched in and it was correct, yet the cursed GPS took me to an uninhabited area! I pulled into the closest gas station and checked the motel’s location on my smartphone and surely enough the motorcycle’s GPS took me off course by 21 kms. Using my phone’s GPS as a guide, I got back on the highway and finally located St. Anne’s Motel which is next door to the Lobster Galley restaurant. What a happy coincidence!
After unpacking the Harley, I took a few photos around the motel’s scenic property and watched the sunset. Delirious with hunger, I walked across the parking lot and treated myself to an excellent lobster dinner at the restaurant. This was a great day on the Cabot Trail with a soul nourishing motorcycle ride ending with decadent epicurean satiety.

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#cabottrail #capebretonisland #margaree #margareeharbour #baddeck