On the morning of Sept 11, we took the high speed train from Paris to Avignon in Provence. Not only was I glad to be in Provence, it was also time for us to pick up the rental car and be mobile on our own terms. Good bye tour group and good riddance!
We hit a bit of a snag getting the car, the original Renault (or was it a Peugeot) was too small, so we had to exchange it for a Zafira Van which had just enough space to accommodate four people, our luggage and my father’s wheelchair. This vehicle was a six speed manual transmission, that was no problem, I drove stick for years in the USA. However several years had elapsed since I regularly drove manual and I had to get my “legs” again. The Zafira’s clutch took a bit of getting used to as it is different than a small car, but after a few outtings, I got it sorted out.
Because of delays renting our vehicle, we arrived late afternoon at the hotel and took a rest. After unpacking and getting settled, we went down to the lobby and consumed a few beers. We hired a cab to take us out to dinner in old town Avignon at the Place de l’Horloge. We ate a fine dinner at a fine restaurant, whose name escapes me (too many brain cells destroyed that night). After drinking libertine quantities of Kir, wine and liqueurs, my brother, father, Elaine and I set out to roam the streets. Somehow, I managed to take a number of decent photos, despite my temporary handicap. My father and brother went back to the hotel and Elaine and I stayed to roam the streets.
Here’s a little video I made of us in the Place de l’Horloge, I’m not a video guy, so please bear with the amateurish quality. My brother, as always, hams it up. If you are a 3 Stooges fan, you’ll get it.
Here is more evidence of our lack of judgement that night.

My next posting will contain my photos from the Papal Palace in Avignon as well as some more street photography.