September 10 was our last full day in Paris before we made our way to Provence. Elaine and I took advantage of the day to visit the Musée du Louvre, the most famous art gallery in the world. A full day is barely enough time to see even the tip of this proverbial iceberg, the Louvre has an incredible 16 kilometers of hallways inside. I suppose one could live in Paris for years and visit the Musée du Louvre dozens of times and still not see all of its exhibits.
The Musée du Louvre or simply The Louvre—is the world’s most visited art museum, one of the world’s largest museums, and a historic monument. A central landmark of Paris, France, it is located on the Right Bank of the Seine in the 1st arrondissement (district). Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 19th century are exhibited over an area of 60,600 square metres (652,300 square feet).
We took at walk from our hotel which afforded us a great view of the Eiffel Tower. We decided to try taking the subway to the Louvre. Little did we know that the doors in the Paris subways do not open automatically, you have to press the button on the door to open them. So, we missed a stop and had to backtrack. Live and learn.

Luckily we did not need to spend an inordinate amount of time in line to enter the Louvre. We made inside in about 12 minutes, instead of waiting hours as some foretold.

Most of the shots taken inside the museum were done by Elaine. Her Panasonic G3 camera was better for taking indoor shots than the Olympus Pen EP-3 I took with me. She did a pretty decent job eh?