Spring, spring, spring, where are you? Oh wait, here you are! Damn, you are late! Can I see a doctors note? Do you know how many people you have depressed with your tardiness? No matter, glad you could finally make it, nice to see you again.
May 24th, 2014 was a perfect spring day; gorgeous weather, clear skies and leaves popping out from the trees. In short, this is a tasty recipe for a ride on the Harley, a hike in a conservation area and some photography. After riding for the day, I ventured out again near sundown to take some photos at the Lynde Shores Conservation Area in Whitby Ontario. I was lucky enough to arrive in time to enjoy the last hour of sunlight for a nice walk and then use the setting sun to bring out some colors.

I am really digging my new Pentax K-3 and love the colors that one can get by carefully processing the raw files. Some of the shots in the following gallery are HDR and some are not. I even took some HDR photos with my lensbaby for selective blur and saturated colours (some like it, some hate it). Who cares which is which. I just went with the flow.