A common sight for Prince Edward Island residents are bald eagles. Most often one sees them soaring overhead and occasionally they can be found sitting beaches. For such a large bird and an apex predator, they are quite skittish and fly away when approached – even from far away. There are a number of nests located on the island, but their locations are a closely guarded secret and only a few people know where to find and photograph them. I am not one of them.
Over the last year or so, I’ve managed to capture a few bald eagle photos, whether from afar or soaring above. My luck finally changed. I was out for an early morning motorcycle ride on PEI’s north shore with the aim of photographing ospreys and eagles. I came up short on the osprey front, but managed to capture this adult bald eagle taking flight. I had the camera set to burst mode and cautiously took shots as I approached the bird and once I was within a 30 meters or so, he took off and I was able to get a few more good shots.

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