We have an osprey’s nest just around the corner from our home in Cornwall, PEI. My wife and stepdaughters spotted the nest a few days ago and I took these shots today.
Ospreys seem to be quite shy and territorial birds. A first attempt at photographing the bird failed. I was over 50 meters away and the Osprey flew off and I could not spot any babies in the nest. I returned a bit later and slowly walked towards the nest. Mama bird was not pleased with my presence – I was less than 30 meters away before she flew off the nest and circled overhead. As I approached the nest she vocalized and continued to do so whilst flying. I was lucky enough to get a few captures and her expression says it all. After a minute or so, she flew off into the horizon to patiently wait until the offending human (me) was gone.
I’ll return another day to some better shots and hopefully images of her offspring.

#osprey #ospreynest