How to spoof humans…
Recently, a friend and I brought our cameras out to Pigot’s Trail in Mount Stewart in the hopes of photographing some birds. Apparently on a good day, one can see ducks, geese, eagles and various grassland songbirds. Well, this was not one of those days. We spotted two geese and my friend meticulously set up a brand new long reach telephoto lens on his tripod. I snapped a few shots from a distance and then walked down the pond to take a few shots closer to the birds. When I viewed them on the camera screen, I realized these geese were plastic decoys! We were tricked by fake geese! Well, at least we left with a silly story.

Not all the birds we saw were fakes though. A few hundred meters from the decoys, I spotted a flock of geese that had just begun to negotiate their flying V formation.

While this photo excursion proved to be a dud for bird photos, we were rewarded later in the day by a friendly fox. We drove along Hwy 6 on PEI’s north shore looking for eagles and near Dalvay we spotted a very friendly fox on the side of the road. I pulled over, grabbed my camera and he hung around long enough to take a few good shots.
#pei #princeedwardisland #pigotstrail #mountstewart #redfoxes