Feb 14, 2023 – Market 28, Wal-Mart and Valentines in Cancun

Our first day off the resort.

Melissa was looking forward to exploring Cancun’s Market 28 and shopping at a Mexican Wal-Mart.  Prior to our departure she watched many YouTube videos created by other tourists shopping at Market 28.  Unfortunately, things are not always what they are cracked up to be.  A cab ride from our resort to downtown Cancun and back costs $120 USD + tip, so it’s not a cheap trip.  Unfortunately there is no Uber in the area and the local taxi industry is controlled by a union which sets the prices.  On the plus side, our driver stayed with us all day and drove us to a few destinations, quite a pleasant fellow actually.

We did not spend much time at Market 28 because the merchants are unrelenting.  After every step you take, there is a store owner getting in your face pressuring you to enter their store.  It was like flies to honey.  Chances are you’ll get some pitch proclaiming a “great price!!” and that is rubbish.  One must never pay the asking price and bargain like hell to get a deal.  Throughout the market, there were countless cheap souvenirs probably made in some Chinese factory as a well fake Cuban cigars sold at every turn.  Suffice it say, neither Melissa nor I cared for this experience and left quickly.  I bought a cheap fake Cuban cigar and Melissa bought one souvenir.  Then it was off to Wal-Mart and a real cigar store.

Our experience in Wal-Mart was far more positive.  We were amazed at the size of the store and the endless array of merchandise.  Moreover, there is no haggling required.  Check out this video from my wife’s YouTube channel and you’ll see how a Mexican Wal-Mart compares to Canada.  The Mexican Wal-Mart wins!  Not only does it feature a lot of great food, it also has a wine and liquor section that puts all our Prince Edward Island government controlled stores to shame.  This Wal-Mart has a far better selection and the prices are decent too.  I bought myself a Lucha Libre mask and a nice bottle of premium Tequila.


Once we were done at Wal-Mart, our cab driver took us to a proper cigar store where I purchased some very nice Mexican and Honduran cigars as well as two authentic Cuban cigars.  Our last stop for the day was a Mexican dollar store chain called Waldos, where Melissa did a bit more shopping.   The following day, she made this video from our hotel room showing off all the stuff she bought at Market 28, Wal-Mart and Waldos.

Personally, I’m not a shopper, but this was a great day in downtown Cancun.  We topped it off with drinks and a nice Valentine Day dinner at the resort.  I’m already missing the sun and beautiful weather.

Most photos taken with a Lumix DMC-LX100 and few with a Samsung Galaxy A71.

#mexico #market28 #cancun #valentine

One thought on “Feb 14, 2023 – Market 28, Wal-Mart and Valentines in Cancun”

  1. I ate @MCD and got the runs allthough the clerks Blonde Juanita and Anna were the cutest things and offered them money and partied all night.

    Ricky Cantu Jr
    San Antonio TX

    Head bathroom attendent @7.11

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